BodyTalk came charging into my life in 2002 when 5'11 Dr. Marita Kufe was doing a BT intro night in Grand Cayman. What I heard before the coffee break had me walk up to her and say, "how can I learn and then teach this?".. I had already been in the natural health care arena for 20+ years. I then couldn't wait until she came back to teach the Module 2 (Fundamentals 2), so I went to Sarasota, ...hotel, AND met the man, Dr. V. .... To say you could feel him from across the room was an understatement. Through the years, I volunteered at the office and could see the passionate way he worked. I observed the continual relaxation of his character as more and more qualified practitioners and instructors started helping him edit the workbooks, put in place the ethics/policies and procedures, share new ideas. I watched through the years as his body suffered from his pushing the limits into the unknown to get us the 'next' levels. I was asked to teach the Access in Miami at the Spring Forum and saw the little boy in him come out when I arrived and said hello to the other female teachers first before him.... He twinkled a, pouted and teased, "what am I chopped liver?". In seminars or conventions, his irreverent Australian humor was fun, as it was very entertaining to watch new students' reactions. An importantt important lesson I learned was in my first class with him....."Don't care!....It's just your ego. The person on the table is the healer, you are just the facilitator." ..... What? .....This was against everything I, (and many in the class,) thought I/we was/were trained to He did heal me once in a 3 minute session that I still tell the story of. And over the years, every time I have things happen to me like cuts, falls, bee stings, colds, red ant attacks,hot flashes, tooth aches++... I have my 'tools'. I feel he is still here only more powerful. With the healing in the last month of clients' migraines, vaginal cysts, panic attacks, back pains, hypo-thyroidism, I know I have been giving him extra 'thank you's' with every session I do now. I've always been in awe of what he put together on the fundamental chart that has given all of us reading this, a chance to help so many others with so many diverse health challenges. Thank you John and continued fun in your 'untethered realm of creativity'. It was an honor to share a moment or two with you and a lifetime of knowledge. THANK YOU.
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This Global Matrix Session is followed by the Memorial recording for people who'd like to watch the complete event.
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