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Forum Posts
Dec 02, 2022
In Share Your Memory
Regretfully I didn't take all the opportunities to learn from John in person, but did have a couple of chances so for that small gift I am so thankful.
For the greater gift of your co founding of The BodyTalk System with Esther and wisdom you brought to the world that has changed my life and countless others, John: there are not enough or worthy words to express my infinite gratitude. My whole life I felt trapped behind all my masks, and you (through treatments, studying and now professionally practicing The BodyTalk System) helped me gain my freedom, showing me how to peel back all the layers and reveal more and more of my authentic self. Which has allowed me to be and do more in my life than I had learned to settle for. I got out of a marriage I knew wasn’t best for either of us, and reconnected with my soul mate after 18 years to start a new life in a city I’d always wanted to live in. I finally retired from massage and went full time with BodyTalk. And then we moved to Mexico a year ago, which I never would have had the courage to do without my soul mate and BodyTalk to support me through my fear of being so far away from family of origin, yet honour my deep desire for adventure! Indeed you have planted the seeds of your legacy and tended them well in us John. Time for you to enjoy the ultimate freedom. I know it is my purpose in life, and now that you’ve left it to us… A responsibility… To share your gift of the BodyTalk System. And I promise to continue serving humanity and changing the world for the better with it in your honour.
Much love to you as you enjoy the eternal light, until we meet again.
Dawn Humeny
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