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Tanja Phoenix
Jan 05, 2023
In Share Your Memory
I log on here and see the little plants sprouting in the Global Matrix picture...I put some Pumpkin seeds into earth a little while ago, and since a few days, the green plantlings started to little hearts, just like in the photo on here.... Today is the 5th January, John's birthday, which I have been remembering all day. I had a session with John, a year ago, on his birthday, which I relisten to....He told me in one session that his astrologer had told him that he would still be working in his 80s, and that he had many more birthdays to come....Maybe she meant working with us from the other side....which is also no other side, but just here with us, in a different way and form/formless..... Every day, I miss his physical presence on Earth...and then I also feel him as much as ever, especially in animals, nature and the earth. I have been feeling John's presence, his soul, his consciousness...and sometimes visits in the dream state. Since his passing over I have had a few more direct experiences with 'death'....1 of my guinea pigs was taken by a snake, and when I arrived, she had just begun to devour her....I watched it and Nacy's rebirth....went through letting her physical embodiment go and see it disappear in the snake's body and feeling her soul still with me....observing that I have a deeper acceptance and understanding, feeling even bizarrely peaceful and allowing the process with loving acceptance and gratitude.....Then a few days later, Lumi, who was pregnant, was lying on my heart, with another mum and her babies....It seemed as if her labour started and I was fully present with her...she looked into my eyes, the babies supported her and sat totally still next to her....we were in it fully together....then a last lightening strike inside her body and she was gone, out of her body...I felt in awe, deep gratitude, trust, acceptance, love, shock, heart beautiful little white dragon, who loved being on my heart since she arrived, who loved being with the whole herd, who loved being on the earth and staying outside sometimes in the wild.....gone.....yet still so here, in my heart, in my soul...... A few days after, my beautiful Percy had a paralyze tick, above his right eye, and it was too late...yet early enough for him to also transition on my heart and with support and presence of his was even more profound, as I knew what was going to happen and went within a few hours through shock, avoidance, trying to rescue, grief, release, acceptance and full loving support and presence....when he left his body I was fully with him and it felt like his spirit went straight into my heart...into my soul....Percy had been with me in another body prior, as Paco, and has been a longtime companion. A few weeks after Percy passed over, one of my geese friends got killed by a car and I found her on the side of the road. She belonged to a flock of 11 geese. I took her home and meditated with her for a night and day. before bringing her back to the lake for her final rest....Her spirit is also with me and I keep visiting the gesese flock and hang out with them....listening to them and the trees and water...... So many animals in my Matrix....also 2 new guinea pig boys came to me, which I called Johnny and Billy. They are golden reddish and white, have been together and alone for 2 years, and they feel like 1 heart and 2 bodies, they are so bonded and close...when they lie on my heart I feel oneness in 2 bodies....soothing my heart. I put Guinea pigs on client's bodies in sessions, which helps bring their body into coherence....and an indescribable magic unfolds, as they just radiate love, have no agenda, and are just tuning bodies to the frequency of love. John loved meeting the guinea pigs in all our Zoom sessions and I feel the transitions happened to connect me deeper with spirit. And maybe now John has the guinea pigs he wanted with him :). Why am I sharing all this? Just because it's flowing out of me, and it is related to my grieving process....when a Master transitions, so much unfolds......I have learned so much from John, mostly through transmissions, his presence, and in sessions through all the little things he said, the jokes, the comments, the stories about horses, his father etc.....Receiving a session from John made me feel fully seen, who I was now and my potential....and he saw my soul, ME, the Me beyond my human body and stories....I saw his wonderful way of working with people....I experienced it, which was more than being taught to me.....and all the many courses over the years.....I am so grateful so much was recorded and that I/we can always listen to is guiding me to also create more in the physical.... Happy Birthday John and glorious rebirth into the formless form you are in now....I am so grateful for you and i am excited peacefully how your forever lasting presence is unfolding and growing within me and all of us and the Matrix.....Sometimes I cry because I miss you and feel very sad....and then I always here your voice, I am right here and haven't gone anywhere yet everywhere :). My black cat sleeps on my body every night and lies on it for hours in the mornings....supporting my current shifts, merging with spirit...and I am feeling your presence, as I said above in all animals...I also really don't need to speak and love the silent communication.... I felt to share this with all of you and am wondering how you all keep feel John in your life and practice, and to celebrate him today in all ways we each get called to....and every day in every way. Much love and blessings from John's birth country and homeland. And yeah, you all know that Australians are the best :), hehe....John's humour is still present and active :).

Tanja Phoenix

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